
The Intra-Action Review (IAR) was an exercise that has reviewed the South Sudan Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) national preparedness and response best practices and challenges, and developed recommendations to maintain and institutionalized best practices and address challenges. The IAR reviewed the COVID-19 vaccination deployment and roll-out process, epidemiology and surveillance, and laboratory testing capacity at the national and sub-national levels. The review was conducted over two days (05- 06 August 2021) using the World Health Organization (WHO) working group IAR methodology. The participants of this COVID-19 IAR were drawn from partners and government agencies at all levels who are currently involved in COVID-19 vaccination, epidemiology and surveillance, and laboratory testing in South Sudan. During the review exercise, several best practices and challenges were identified leading to the development of appropriate actions that would be implemented immediately, and in the mid to long-term periods.


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