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In May 2017, Belgium started to fund the ACROPOLIS G4D research group, whose final objective is to publish, by October 2018, a green paper including principles, indicators and major steps to be taken towards building a Comprehensive Approach for Belgium Development Cooperation. As part of the research process, it was decided that two country case studies were to be conducted, one in Uganda on the refugee crisis responsefocusing on the humanitarian – development nexus, and one in Burkina Faso on local security focusing on the security – development nexus.
The preliminary reflections presented here follow the field mission held 11 – 30 November in Kampala and the Arua district in Uganda and are based on interviews, mostly with initial members of the steering group of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF). The objective of these interviews was to gather
qualitative and quantitative information in regards to the interactions between the different stakeholders involved in the refugee crisis response in Uganda. To that end, the representatives of member organisations in the steering group (or a delegate) were asked to fill out a survey (see annex 1), providing data for a social network analysis. The first part of this document provides a few conclusions based on the responses received, followed by wider reflections on the current refugee crisis response and potentials and pitfalls of the CRRF as a tool to ameliorate it.

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